avoir installer firfox au préalable, je vous fais confiance, humm...
allez ensuite ,
suivez ceci:
ligne de command terminal
password ********************
Add a "contrib" component to /etc/apt/sources.list, for example:
# Debian 8 "Jessie"
deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib
Update the list of available packages and install the java-package package:
# apt-get update && apt-get install java-package && exit
Download the desired Java JDK/JRE binary distribution (oracle). Choose tar.gz archives or self-extracting archives, do not choose the RPM!
-> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
-> cocher la licence : Java SE Development Kit 8u111
You must accept the oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE to download this software.
o Accept License Agreement
-> telecharger : Linux x64 173.04 MB jdk-8u111-linux-x64.tar.gz
Use java-package to create a Debian package, for example:
$ make-jpkg jdk-8u111-linux-x64.tar.gz
compter au moins 1minute pour créer ce paquet!
soyez patient.!!!!!!!
j'ai pas tenu compte de l'avertissement !!!!!!!!!
etre patient encore 1 minute
proche de 2 minutes avec un cpu 2 core
Install the binary package created:
$ su
password **************
copier/coller le nom du paquet créer en bas du terminal et en root !!!
# dpkg -i oracle-java8-jdk_8u111_amd64.deb <-- est un example
pointer java sur java - oracle8 qu'on vient d'installer car il en a certaienement plusieurs!
By default the DebianAlternatives will automatically install the best version of Java as the default version. If the symlinks have been manually set they will be preserved by the tools. The update-alternatives tools try hard to respect explicit configuration from the local admin. Local manual symlinks appear to be an explicit configuration. In order to reset the alternative symlinks to their default value use the --auto option.
# update-alternatives --auto java
If you'd like to override the default to perhaps use a specific version then use --config and manually select the desired version.
# update-alternatives --display java
choisir oracle, passe en manuel!
# update-alternatives --config java
Choose the appropriate number for the desired alternative.
The appropriate java binary will automatically be in PATH by virtue of the /usr/bin/java alternative symlink.
You may also use the update-alternatives tool from java-common package which lets you update all alternatives belonging to one runtime/development kit AT a time.
# update-java-alternatives -l
# update-java-alternatives -s jdk-8-oracle-x64
activer java: la console
parametre de securité:
tester java:
le panel of control securité est ici
$: root@debian-ssd:/home/tralala# sh /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-x64/bin/ControlPanel
ajouter les sites web autorisés dans l'onglet securité
tester java sur firefox :
good luck!!!