Bilan de la situation au 5eme mois.
Equity: 438.93/500€
Percentage returns: -12.21%
Best month: 04/2019
Average monthly return:-2.53%
Symbol analysis:
"You have traded a total of 5 unique symbols in your account. Among these symbols, 0 symbols have a net-profit while 5 symbols have a net-loss. You place the most number of trades on FRA40EUR with 185 trades and 185 in trading volume. The net profit/loss that you make from FRA40EUR is -16.70, and the average profit/loss is -11.54.
Your most profitable symbol was the EURUSD. There were 18 trades that were placed with -7.79 in net profit/loss. Your least profitable symbol was the FRA40EUR. There were 185 trades that were placed with -16.70 in net profit/loss. Many instruments have unique properties which lend themselves to a given trading style."
Que dois-je en conclure ?
Time analysis:
"Trades on this account were opened across 13 unique hours of the day. The most active hour where you had the highest trading volume of 6,023 was at 13:00. Your trading history shows that trades opened during the hour of 10:00, generated the most profits with having a net profit/loss of 2.38 from 35 trades. Trades opened during the hour of 14:00, generated the least profits with having a net profit/loss of -11.99 from 31 trades.
On average, your best performance was during the hour of 6:00. During this hour you traded a total of 2 in volume, through 2 trades. Your average profit/loss was 0.19, while net profit/loss was 0.38. Oftentimes, intraday seasonality can play an important role in whether a strategy is successful or not."
Je trade mieux le matin.
Trade duration analysis:
"After creating five equal buckets based on the number of trades on this account from 01/03/2019 21:59:59 to 06/02/2019 20:59:59 , we noticed that the trades between 0.5 to 4.5 minutes generated the best results at 1.89 in net profit/loss.
Conversely, the trades that were within the 52.4 to 957.0 minute bucket, showed the least success of -21.75 in net profit/loss."
Rester moins longtemps en position.
"Based on your account history between 01/03/2019 21:59:59 and 06/02/2019 20:59:59, there have been a total of 245 closed trades. Out of all your trades, 63.27 percent closed with a profit. Your average profit was 0.33, while your average loss was -1.27."
Je me suis stabilisé en Avril et j'ai fait des progrès mais je n'ai pas su maintenir le cap au mois de mai.
J'ai eu des soucis d'ordre sentimental qui ont pesé sur mes performances qui n'étaient déjà pas très bonnes mais aussi le marché est différent et je n'ai pas su m'adapter.
J'arrive à bien faire quand je suis concentré. Je maîtrise assez bien mes pertes qui restent dans le cadre prévu (-10% max/mois).
Mon activité de trading ne me rapporte pas encore mais elle ne me ruine pas non plus.
L'aventure continue
Je me pose des questions:
Prendre moins de positions ?
Dois-je rester uniquement sur FRA40 ?
J'ai envie de me diversifier.
Tester Dax 30 ?
Un peu de forex ?