[u:3 cwod]Coding for nonprofits[/u:3 cwod]
"We’ve decided to make coding for nonprofits a separate process from the certificate program. We’ve added 5 of our projects that are used by nonprofits - our Open Source for Good projects - to the challenge map. Feel free to browse their open issues. You can dive in and start contributing whenever you feel ready.
We will continue to add Open Source for Good projects to the challenge map as they become stable and ready for your contributions. These projects are all built using the same JavaScript-based tools you’ll learn by earning the certificates. And several of these are nearing a public beta (I’ll formally announce these as they go into open beta)."
Je bosse en ce moment sur des batchs Java, mais j'aimerais monter en compétence sur le dév Web en parallèle (j'ai 2 projets avec un ami, mais la phase d'étude est longue + on est 2 grosses feignasses , donc je serais content qu'on me file des spécs toutes faites. Lol ). Je vais donc creuser un peu. En attendant, je suis preneur de retours d'expériences si vous en avez!